1. Unique Building: The Prasat replaces the Temple and provides a Relic Great Work slot. Missionaries that are produced here gain a new attribute when killed in religious combat: they generate a Relic. Feature 2: Also includes the Indonesian civilization with Dyah Gitarja, the Jong unique unit, and the Kampung unique improvement.
  2. The Domrey is stronger than the Catapult it replaces, exerts zone of control, and – excitingly – can move and shoot on the same turn. That’s a powerful recipe for early warfare. Unique building: The Prasat, whichreplaces the Temple and provides a Relic Great Work slot.

Missionaries produced here gain the martyr promotion, and it provides a Relic Great Work slot. Subscribe to our YouTube channel Khmer's real show-stopper, however, is its unique unit, the Domrey.

By Chris Tapsell

Published 11/02/2018

RelicsRelic Great Work Slot Civ 6

To spread your Civilization 6 Religion of choice, the first thing you’ll need to do is acquire Faith. In fact, you’ll need to continuously be acquiring large amounts of Faith throughout the course of your playthrough if you want to successfully achieve a Religious Victory, as you’ll likely be spending it relentlessly on new Apostles and Missionaries to help spread the good news.

Here, we’ll be taking you through all of the important mechanics surrounding Religion, Faith, Pantheons, beliefs, and more in Civilization 6, which should serve as some pretty comprehensive prep and companion detail for our dedicated Civ 6 Religious Victory guide.

If you’re looking for more resource-focused Civ 6 guides, meanwhile, we also have pages on how to earn Science, how to earn Gold, and how to earn Culture and Tourism in Civ 6, too.

Note that this page is due an update since the launch of the Rise and Fall expansion – we’ll get to that as soon as possible, but until then we have guide to what’s new in Civ 6 Rise and Fall, as well as pages explaining the new Governors and Loyalty system, and how to earn Historic Moments, Era Score and Golden Ages, too.

How does Religion work in Civilization 6? How to found Pantheons and Religions

Fortunately for returning players, Religion works in largely the same manner in Civ 6 as it does with Civ 5. Faith – the religious ‘resource’ – is acquired per-turn according to various sources of income and their modifiers, which can then be spent on units such as Apostles and Missionaries, religious buildings such as the Wat, Great People, or even military units – if you’ve committed to the Theocracy Government.

For those uninitiated to the ways of Civilization however – or anyone returning after a little break – opening up that Religious beliefs menu for the first time to see a whole screen of percentages and bonuses can be paralyzing, so below we’ve quickly broken down, in simple terms, how Religion and Faith work in Civ 6.

Great Musician Slots Civ 6

  • Religion is both a victory condition and a general benefit – Just like Culture or Science, Religion can play a role of varying importance in your Civ 6 playthrough, and is by no means only something to think about when going for the Religious Victory. Numerous benefits, from military bonuses to increased Production or Great Person generation, can be extracted from a strong Religion in Civ 6, regardless of your situation.
  • The first thing you’ll do is found a Pantheon – Like a mini pre-Religion, Pantheons offer long-term benefits from their respective beliefs. To found one, you’ll need to amass 16 Faith, at which point you’ll be prompted to make your choice of belief.
  • A Religion is then founded when you acquire a Great Prophet – Great Prophets, one of the many types of Great People in Civ 6, are earned when you have accrued enough Great Person points of that type. Those are earned from various buildings and wonders, such as your Holy Site and it’s buildings. A Great Prophet can also be acquired by completing the Stonehenge Wonder.
  • With a Religion foudned, you can then go about adding new beliefs – Once founded, all cities in your civ with a Holy Site will convert to your new Religion. New Beliefs can be added to your Religion by using the Apostle’s Evangelize Belief action, up to a total of four, plus your Pantheon belief – when you first found the Religion, you’ll need to choose a Follower belief plus one more from the three other types.

There are a total of four types of Religious Beliefs in Civ 6:

  • Follower Beliefs – Provide some kind of yield or other inherent bonus, such as the +1% Production for each follower bonus provided by the Work Ethic Follower belief.
  • Founder Beliefs – Founder beliefs provide a bonus that relies on the number of followers that Religion has. Note that Followers can be in any city, regardless of whether that Religion is the predominant one there, and that Founder beliefs apply only to the Civ which founded this Religion.
  • Worship Beliefs – Worship beliefs grant a unique worship building that can be built in Holy Sites with Production, or puchased there with Faith, with each Worship building having a different benefit.
  • Enhancer Beliefs – Enhancer beliefs are angled towards spreading your Religion by making religious pressure stronger or Missionaries and Apostles cheaper.

How to earn Faith in Civilization 6

Whilst there are plenty more religious beliefs and related features than we’ve listed below, one of the key aspects of a religious playthrough – and of course a targeted Religious Victory – is the process of earning Faith. Rather than simply listing all things related to Religion then, we’ve decided to assemble a complete list of all of the ways you can earn Faith and increase the rate at which you do so in Civ 6.


Civ 6 Relics

  • +5% Non-food yields (which includes Science) when the city is happy (has more Amenities than required).
Civ 6 great work slot


  • Hagia Sofia – Missionaries and Apostles can spread Religion 1 extra time. +4 Faith.
  • Mahabodhi Temple – Grants 2 Apostles. +4 Faith.
  • Mont St. Michel – All Apostles you create gain the Martyr ability in addition to a second ability you chose normally. +2 Faith; +2 Relic slots.
  • Oracle – Patronage of Great People costs 25% less Faith. Districts in this city provide +2 Great Person points of their type. +1 Faith; +1 Culture.
  • Stonehenge – Grants a free Great Prophet. Great Prophets may found a Religion on Stonehenge instead of a Holy Site. +2 Faith.
  • Holy Site Prayers – District-based project which provides Faith and Great Prophet points on completion.


  • God King – +1 Faith and +1 Gold in the Capital
  • Scripture – +100% Holy Site adjacency bonuses
  • Simultaneum – Doubles Faith yield from holy Site district buildings
  • Triangular Trade – +4 Gold and +1 Faith from all Trade Routes
  • Raj – +2 Science, Culture, Faith, and Gold from each city-state you are Suzerain of.
  • Revelation – +2 Great Prophet points per turn

Natural wonders

  • Crater Lake – +4 Faith; +1 Science; Fresh Water.
  • Dead Sea – +2 Faith; +2 Culture; Fresh Water. Units heal completely if they heal for one turn adjacent to the Dead Sea.
  • Mount Everest – +1 Faith to adjacent tiles. Missionaries, Inquisitors, and Apostles who move next to Mount Everest ignore Hills for the rest of the game.


  • Jerusalem – 1 Envoy: +2 Faith in Capital. 3 Envoys: +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. 6 Envoys: Additional +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. Suzerain Bonus: Automatically converts to the Religion you founded, and exerts pressure for that Religion as if it were a Holy City.
  • Kandy – 1 Envoy: +2 Faith in Capital. 3 Envoys: +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. 6 Envoys: Additional +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. Suzerain Bonus: Receive a Relic every time you discover a new natural wonder, and earn +50% Faith from all Relics.
  • La Venta – 1 Envoy: +2 Faith in Capital. 3 Envoys: +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. 6 Envoys: Additional +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. Suzerain Bonus: Your Builders can now make Colossal Head improvements.
  • Yerevan – 1 Envoy: +2 Faith in Capital. 3 Envoys: +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. 6 Envoys: Additional +2 Faith in every Holy Site district. Suzerain Bonus: Your Apostle units can choose from any possible promotion instead of receiving a random promotion.

Civ 6 Great Work Slot


  • Dance of the Aurora – Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Tundra tiles.
  • Desert Folklore – Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Desert tiles.
  • Divine Spark – +1 Great Person point from Holy Site, Campus, and Theatre Square districts.
  • God of War – Bonus Faith equal to 50% of the strength of each enemy unit killed within 8 tiles of a Holy Site district you own.
  • Goddess of the Harvest – Harvesting a resource or removing a feature receives Faith equal to the other yield’s quantity.
  • Initiation Rites – +50 Faith for each Barbarian Outpost cleared.
  • Religious Idols – +1 Faith from Mines over Luxury and Bonus resources.
  • Sacred Path – Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Rainforest tiles.
  • Stone Circles – +2 Faith from Quarries.
  • Divine Inspiration – All world wonders provide +4 Faith.
  • Reliquaries – Relics have triple yield of both Faith and Tourism
  • Lay Ministry – Each Holy Site or Theatre Square district in a city following this Religion provides +1 Faith or +1 Culture respectively.
  • Pilgrimage – +2 Faith for every city following this Religion in other civilizations and city-states.
  • Holy Order – Missionaries and Apostles are 30% cheaper to purchase.
  • Itinerant Preachers – Religion spreads to cities 30% further away.
  • Scripture – Religious spread from adjacent city pressure is 25% stronger. Boosted to 50% once Printing is researched.

Holy Site district

  • +1 Great Prophet point per turn.
  • +2 Faith from each adjacent natural wonder.
  • +1 Faith from each adjacent Mountain.
  • +1 Faith from every 2 adjacent Woods tiles.
  • +1 Faith from every 2 adjacent district tiles.
  • +2 Faith per citizen working this tile.
  • +1 Faith from international Trade Routes.

Lavra district (Russia only, replaces Holy Site)

  • Your city border grows by one tile each time a Great Person is expended in this city.
  • +2 Great Prophet points per turn.
  • +1 Great Writer point per turn.
  • +1 Great Artist point per turn.
  • +1 Great Musician point per turn.
  • +2 Faith from each adjacent natural wonder.
  • +1 Faith from each adjacent Mountain.
  • +1 Faith from every 2 adjacent Woods tiles.
  • +1 Faith from every 2 adjacent district tiles.
  • +2 Faith per citizen working this tile.
  • +1 Faith from international Trade Routes.

Looking for more Civilization 6 advice? Our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science, and Faith, how to win by Religious Victory, and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory. Finally, here’s the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

Buildings and Improvements

  • Colossal Head – +2 Faith. +1 Faith for every 2 adjacent Rainforest. +1 Faith for every 2 adjacent Woods.
  • Cathedral – +3 Faith, 1 slot for religious art.
  • Gurdwara – +3 Faith, +2 Food
  • Meeting House – +3 Faith, +2 Production
  • Mosque – +3 Faith, Missionaries and Apostles granted +1 Spread.
  • Pagoda – +3 Faith, +1 Housing
  • Synagogue – +5 Faith
  • Wat – +3 Faith, +2 Science
  • Shrine – Allows the purchasing of Missionaries. +2 Faith, +1 Citizen slot, +1 Great Prophet point per turn.
  • Stave Church – +4 Faith, +1 Citizen slot, +1 Great Prophet point per turn, +1 Relic slot (replaces Temple).
  • Temple – Allows the purchasing of Apostles. +4 Faith, +1 Citizen slot, +1 Great Prophet point per turn, +1 Relic slot.


  • Dyes – +1 Faith, +4 Amenities
  • Incense – +1 Faith, +4 Amenities
  • Pearls – +1 Faith, +4 Amenities
  • Tobacco – +1 Faith, +4 Amenities

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