One of (if not THE) most popular phrases among slot casino guides is hot and cold slots. The idea that a particular slot is either hot or cold so you need to try and find a slot which is hot.

  • The concept of hot and cold slots is inspired from the experience of the players. A regular player will be able to recognize the counts, the number of spins, the time for processing, and the machine’s behaviour and may be able to guess if the machine would give out a favourable amount or not.
  • The concept of hot and cold slots is a derivation from the experience of the player. A regular player could be able to identify the counts, the number of spins, the time for processing, and the machine’s behaviour and may be able to predict if the machine would pay out a good amount or not.

This advice shows a complete misunderstanding of the mechanics behind online casinos. We have already talked about the Random Number Generator in previous articles, if you have not read these yet then go and check them out.

There are plenty of casinos who actually have live indicators of hot and cold slots or even a special hot and cold section of the website (Royal Panda for example). These do not help you at all. If a slot has been “hot” over the past few minutes, hours, days that still tells you absolutely nothing about what will happen in the next session you would play on these slots. They all use the same RNG (Random Number Generator) so it is purely suspicion if you want to play a “hot” slot or a “cold” slot.

The whole myth of hot and cold streaks stems back to the classic physical fruit machines and slot machines found in pool halls, land casinos, cross channel ferries, pubs, etc. Yes, these really did have payout cycles. These old fruit machines were not as advanced as the video slots of today and they were indeed basically programmed to eat a few hundred pounds at a low RTP and then in a sequence of a dozen or so spins spill out a few jackpots in a row to get to the true programmed RTP. You could (and yes many times I did) sit around in a pub all evening, keeping an eye on the fruit machine in the corner and try and guesstimate how much money had gone in and come out. Plan your timing right and you could get a good profit out of the machines. The same happened in the fruit machine halls, play slow, cheap and casually for hours keeping your eyes peeled on all the fruity s around you and try and catch them just before they go into payout mode.

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Now this just doesn’t happen any more. The random number generator takes care of that.


Having said all that, I for one have played way too many spins on online slots over the years, we are talking millions of spins here. And I do believe that sequence happen here too. It does depend on what slot you are playing and by which provider. NetEnt have recently actually altered the maths engine on their newest slots which I believe is going to see far fewer people being able to make any sort of guess as to what mood the RNG is in. But there are times when you can guess you are on a winning run. How often do you see a big win closely followed by another big win? On the flip side, how often do you do on a monster losing run?

The problem here is that a winning run on an online slot really doesn’t last very long at all. However losing runs can last for hours. So even for the most hardened online slot player it really is super difficult to read what is happening and any casino mentioning hot and cold slots are just telling you useless information. These are just the slots which have paid out particularly well or particularly badly over the last few minutes or hours.

Want to see a random number generator in action?

If you have Neteller, Skrill, Bitcoins, etc then I really hope you already have 2 factor authentication installed… if not then DO IT TODAY. You need to protect yourself from hackers, take it from me, my brother lost his whole Skrill account to a hacker and Skrill never reimbursed him.

Google Authentication is a random number generator you can watch in real time. Sometimes your random security code will make a huge jump from one number to the next… however very often you will only see incremental changes like 77xxxx to 76xxxxx to 80xxxxx to 91xxxxx etc etc. Just watch it go for a while. How random is this really? How does it work? What is the maths behind the number generation?

I also believe that the random number generators do not have a maximum value and a minimum, by which I mean it doesn’t see 999999 as the top number and 000000 as the bottom possible number. Watching Google Authentication often sees numbers 9xxxxx jump to 0xxxxx or vice versa. In this way you could say that after getting a massive win (99xxxxx) you could end up going on a losing run as the RNG has risen beyond the top level rather than having to go downwards again which would keep you in the money.

This is of course all speculation. Without seeing the complex code or seeing a numerical representation of the RNG for every spin over a long period of time then there’s no way I can know if I am correct in my assumptions or not. Pure speculation.

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Pop Slots Hot And Cold Air Intake


Are hot – or cold – tables a myth? It depends who you ask.

By John Grochowski

In blackjack, the odds change on every hand as cards are removed from the deck. In other games, the odds are unchanging, the same on one spin of the roulette wheel as the next regardless of recent results. Nonetheless, streaks happen and some players seek out hot tables.

In this month’s Table Talk, we hear from readers who want to play where others are winning, and from others who say they just ignore all that.


Deep down, I don’t put a lot of stock in hot tables or cold tables, but it’s more fun to play with happy players. I look for blackjack tables where players have big piles of chips.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. One time I took the last seat with six players who all had that winning look. One man told me, “Get ready to win. Joy – the dealer – has been really good to us.” Another said, “I just hope you don’t change our luck.”

It worked to a charm. My first hand I won a double down. Joy seemed to bust half the time. Even when a new dealer came on – Frank was his name – we all did pretty well. I bought in for $100, played for an hour and cashed out more than $500.

But there was this other time. Everybody was in a good mood, but as soon as I joined the game the dealer started pulling 21s. It didn’t matter what she had up. She’d have a 6 up, turn up a 10 and everybody has their hopes up. She pulls a 5. Boom! goes the dynamite.

Other players started joking about my draining all the luck. At least most were joking. One lady left the table and told me, “I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I hope never to play with you again.”


I’m a craps player, and I absolutely scout tables. If everybody is whooping and hollering at one table and all quiet and looking grim at the other, I want to be with the winners.

To me, when the dice are hot, they’re hot. All my best runs, the times I’ve made five, six, seven passes, have been at hot tables where everybody else was winning, too.


To me, hot and cold tables are nonsense. I play the game I want to play when there’s a place open at the price I want to play. If I’m there to play $15 blackjack, I’m not going to play at a $25 table just because it’s not.

I had a great time once at a table where the dealer tried to warn me off. It was a $5 table, and it was empty while all the other tables were busy. Other players had been losing, and the dealer told me, “You don’t want to play with me. I’ve been red hot.”

Pop Slots Hot And Cold Climates

He wasn’t red hot while I was there. I started at $15 a hand and was playing a progression. I had a lot of little four- and five-win streaks. One was longer, and my progression took my bet up over $100. Before I knew it, I had about a $1,200 profit.

OK, sometimes if I go to a cold table, I’m going to lose. But I’m going to lose at hot tables sometimes too. If you’re afraid of losing, you shouldn’t be playing.


I don’t know about hot tables, but I like hot numbers at roulette. That’s what I play when I’m not playing slots. I play probably 80 percent slots and 20 percent roulette. I always get in a little roulette.

If there’s a choice of more than one table, then I look at the boards and see if any of them have a number that’s on the board three or more times. If there is, then I go to that table and use that number in my combinations until it’s off the board.

It’s worked pretty good for me. One time, the first number after I started was the hot number. I had it for a single number, on a three-number street and I bet on its column and its color. That was really cool, and then it came in again.

That sticks out, but I’ve had some other nice wins, too.


I’m a contrarian, I guess. I not only don’t believe in hot or cold tables, I like to bet against the grain.

If a craps table is cold, I try to go liven it up. I tell them, “Give me the dice, it’s time to win”


If the craps table looks hot, then I’ll go start betting the don’t. It has to cool off some-time, right? It might as well be while I’m there. I’ve gotten a few glares, but no big deal.

I can’t say my way is any better than anyone else’s. I probably win and lose about as much as you should. But I have a good time doing it, and there’s something satisfying about winning when you’re going against the grain.


My work friend plays a lot of blackjack, and he and I were talking once about hot tables.

Pop Slots Hot And Cold Pressed


Pop Slots Hot And Cold Climates

He told me, “Randy, if you see a table where people are winning, don’t just automatically jump in. It could just be that a lot of high cards are coming out and players are getting blackjacks and other good hands. The low cards still have to come out sometime, and when they do, the tide will turn.”

Pop Slots Hot And Cold Therapy

I don’t count cards and I don’t know if that’s true or not, but that’s kind of the way I play. I shy away from the hot tables. If I wind up at a cold table, then at least there’s more open space from players leaving.