I heard global poker is very soft online It is soft. It is also 'play money'. They only allow Americans and Canadians to cash out winnings. In fact, there are a number of people from other countries who feel they have gotten scammed by depositing there. If the hotkey is global, it will activate on your system regardless of where your mouse is located. Otherwise, non-global hotkeys work ONLY when your mouse is over a poker table (with the exception of the betting box or chat box area, which is defined as the lower 1/4 of the poker table).

SnG registrator

There are two sub-tabs on this tab, SnG registrator and Spins registrator. They allow you to autoregister Sit & Goes and Spin & Goes.

SnG registrator
SnG registrator allows you to automatically register to the specified types of SnG tournaments according to the specified criteria, including in two different PokerStars clients at the same time.
Before setting up the SnG registrator itself, you need to set up the PokerStars client in a certain way.

PokerStars Client Setup
1. The poker client must be configured to run as admin. Without this, the registrator will not work. If you play two PokerStars clients at the same time, then you need to configure both clients by this way (and StarsCaption, too, of course).
2. Columns in the list of tournaments in the lobby should be arranged in a certain order, as shown in the screenshot below, namely:
ID Game Limit Buy-in Speed ​​ Type State Enrolled
To configure, click the gear button in the upper right corner of the list, and in the window that appears, turn on all the checkboxes on the left, except Target ID (the ID checkbox is turned off by default, so you usually only need to enable it). Also, if you moved the columns in the list, enable Reset Column Widths and Order and click OK:

After that you can change the width of the columns in the lobby, but don't change the order of columns (the program expects them to be located in that order).
3. You can use the Sit & Go tab in the lobby or the Favorites tab. If possible, remove all tournaments that you are not going to play in the lobby filters and leave only the necessary ones.
4. It is recommended to enable the option that allows you to register in tournaments with one click, without the buy-in confirmation window appearing:

Instead, you can enable the Dialogs / Auto accept tournament buy-in dialog in StarsCaption settings, but this will add certain delays and cause extra windows to appear.
In addition, configure tournament tables to close automatically in Dialogs / Close finished tournaments after X seconds.

5. SNG registrator will not work if the main PokerStars lobby is minimized.If you don’t have enough room for the lobby on the screen, you can hide it outside the screen using the Lobby / Global hotkeys / Hide/show lobby hotkey, or a similar function in General HUD / OnClick.

Click Update tourney types button. The lobby should expand to full screen for a couple of seconds and return to its previous state, after which the Tournament type drop-down list will be filled with the types of tournaments that are in the lobby. If the list in the lobby is too long, then in the Tournament type there will be only those types that will be present in the visible part of the lobby when it is expanded to full screen.
If you have two different Star Lobbies open, there will be tournaments from both lobbies in the list.
Click Add tournament to add a new tournament to the registration list.
Select a tournament type from the Tournament type list.
Set other parameters for this type of tournament:
Max SNGs of this type - the number of tournaments of this type that you want to play simultaneously.
Max simultaneous registered SNGs of this type - the number of simultaneous registrations of tournaments of this type. For example, if you put 4 in Max SNGs of this type and 1 here, then you will play a maximum of 4 tournaments of this type, but registration will be done only one by one (i.e. the registrator will not register you in the second tournament of this type until the first one opens). If you put 2 there, then there may be two simultaneous registrations, etc.
Register if already enrolled from X to Y - registration in tournaments in which a certain number of people are already registered. For example, in the screenshot above, I have selected a tournament for 45 people in the list, and I want to register in it only if from 22 to 44 people are registered in it. If you want to register in any, then put 0 on the left (on the right you can leave 44 or put any number more than 44).
If you are going to mix different types of tournaments, then you can click Add tournament again, select a different type of tournament for it and configure all the other parameters described above.

Below are the general parameters of the registrator.
SNGs to keep playing - the total number of tournaments played. In the example above, I set up two types of tournaments, 4 tables of the first type and 2 tables of the second. If I put 4 here, then despite the fact that 4 + 2 will be 6, the registrator will not open more than 4 anyway.
Max SNGs to play - the registrator will automatically turn off after a specified number of registrations.
Max time to play - the registrator will automatically turn off after a specified time.
Scanning delay - after turning on the registrator will scan tournaments in the list from top to bottom, and when it reaches the end of the list, it will pause. This parameter sets the number of seconds for which it will stop before going through the list in the opposite direction. If you set 0 here, after a short pause, it will begin to scan the list in the opposite direction, and will do this further continuously until he reaches the specified number of tournaments.
List end timeout - allows you to set the time in seconds that the registrator uses as a timeout to determine the end of the list of tournaments in the lobby.
By default, there are 2 seconds, but if registrator sometimes stops in the middle of the list when scanning, try to increase this value.

Registered - here the current number of registrations is displayed, and in parentheses the total number from the beginning of the session. The Clear button on the right allows you to reset the current registrations - use it if you manually unregistered from tournaments (or one of the registrations was not completed for some other reason).
I have not yet explored the situation when the registrator does not have time to register for the tournament (in the lobby it was displayed as available for registration, but at the moment of pressing the button it turned out that it was already filled). Perhaps in such situations, the registrator will fail and count tournaments such as successfully registered ones. If you encounter situations of this kind and the registrator will not work correctly in them, then write to me, please.
Opened - the current number of open tournaments (not all, but only those that have been registered by the registrator).
Session time - time from the moment the registrator is turned on.
The [SNG_timeToEnd] tag in the HUD / Table panels and General HUD shows the time until the end of the session (based on the value of Max time to play).
Active - turn on this checkbox to start registrations, and turn it off to stop.

Spins registrator

Auto registrations for Spin & Go.It allows you to set the number of tables played, the number of tournaments in the session and / or the duration of the session.
Displays the number of already registered tournaments, the number of open tournaments, the duration of the session.
Before the start of the session, open the Spin & Go tab in the poker client and select the buy-in there, and then turn on Active.

To enable the Hot keys you need to on the General tab enable Hot keys.
To automate the game in action program you can specify a hot key or mouse button. If you specify a hot key and a mouse button on a single action, will work both.
All actions will be on the table, which is under the mouse, if not stated otherwise, for example, all tables.
If the program clicks on the checkbox, then pressing again switches the checkbox to its original state.
HotkeysTo edit the hot keys you have to press in the table ' + ' to the left of the name.
Each mouse button can be configured only on one of the two events:
  1. pressing the button:
    • Right Down
    • Middle Down
    • X1 Down
    • X2 Down
  2. the button is released:
    • Right Up
    • Middle Up
    • X1 Up
    • X2 Up
Wheel events mouse Wheel Down (forward) and Wheel Up (back) can be used simultaneously.
Warning !!! Single keys F1-F3 are shortcuts for room iPoker, which push: Fold, Call and Raise, if there is no mouse over the active table, they will be triggered.
  • actions on mouse buttons can be disabled by pressing the Ctrl key, and then release Ctrl includes actions.
  • disable actions if mouse is over any HUD - disables all actions if the mouse is over any HUD of the program or tracker.
All hotkeys are divided into groups.
1. Control tables and lobby:
  • All hot keys actions program enable/disable - enables/disables all hot keys on the 'Table - Hot keys - 1' and 'Table - Hot keys - 2' tabs. Mouse buttons and hot keys slots will continue to work.
  • Click button bet/raise
  • Click button check/call
  • Click button fold
  • Click check/fold, check, fold
  • Click fold to any bet
  • Click sit back in on X cash(tournaments) tables
  • Click sit out next BB
  • Click sit out next BB on X cash tables
  • Click sit out next hand
  • Click sit out on X cash(tournaments) tables
  • Close all tables
  • Close table
  • Scrolling tables in slot back
  • Scrolling tables in slot forward
  • Show in tray number of hands (cash) after Start
  • Show in tray number of tables
  • Show in tray number of tournaments after Start - shows a message in the tray about the number of open and closed tournament tables after clicking on Start.
  • Show in tray session time after Start - shows a message in the tray about the amount of time elapsed after clicking on Start (in the format hours:minutes).
  • Show lobby tournament
  • Show/hide lobby room
  • Sort all tables by highest BB
  • Sort all tables by lowest number of players

2. Set and change bets:
Warning !!! When enabled the option 'Auto bet' program will make a bet, if the calculated bet is not less than the minimum bet.
  • Bet decrease/increase by XX BB
  • Raise to XX % of pot
  • Raise to XX % of effective stack - percentage is calculated from the effective stack among the players who remained in the hand.
  • Raise to XX % of stack hero - when the value XX = 100 and enabled option 'Auto bet' pushes and calls 'All-in'.
  • Raise to XX BB
  • Raise to XX % of raise - percent is calculated from raise, if no raise, percent is calculated from BB.
  • Raise to XX % of pot bet - calculates the formula: Raise + (Pot + Call) * XX/100, where a Raise - last raise, Pot - total pot, Call - call for hero, XX - percent.
Hotkeys+random - adds a random number from 0 to '+random' (inclusive) to the bet value.If the value does not contain a fractional part (equal to .00), then only an integer will be added to the bet. For example, if the value is 10.00, then a random number from the range [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] will be added to the bet value.If the value has a fractional part, for example, 1.10, then a random number from the range [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1] will be added to the bet value.If the hundredth fractional part is not zero, for example, 1.11, then a random number from the range (112 values) [0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 ... 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 1.11] will be added to the bet value.

Global Hotkeys Windows 10

In the second group you can add any type action of the program and any number of times. For this you need to select an action drop-down menu Type and click Add. To remove the action you have to press Delete.

Windows Global Hotkey